This classic book has been reprinted by popular demand. Analytical chemists and chemical engineers will find this a well written and well illustrated treatise dealing with (and finding solutions to) the problems of water treatment, plant corrosion, and chemical analysis connected with the chemical process industries, steam and power plants and petroleum refining. An excellent manual for both laboratory and field workers.
Part I -The Chemical Principles of Water Treatment Introduction
A. Objectives in Treating Feed Water for Boilers 1. Prevention of Scales and Deposits 10 (a) External Treatment 12 Chemical Softening-Softening by Cation Exchange - Reduction of Silica 12 (b) Internal Treatment-Precipitants-Conditioners-Alkalinity 22 (c) Blowdown 26
2. Prevention of Corrosion In Boilers 27 (a) Removal of Oxygen 29 (b) Maintenance of Alkalinity 29
3. Prevention of Corrosion In Preboiler and Condensate Systems 30 (a) Deaeration 30 (b) Neutralization 31 (c) Protective Films 32
4. Prevention of Steam Contamination 32 (a) Priming 32 (b) Foaming 34
5. Prevention of Caustic Embrittlement 34
6. Control of Boiler Operation 34
B. Objectives in Treating Water Used for Cooling 1. Prevention of Scales and Deposits 37 2. Prevention of Corrosion In Cooling Systems 39 3. Prevention of Biological Fouling 42
Part II-The Analysis of Industrial Waters
A. Mineral Content
1.Determination of Alkalinity 47 (a) Phenolphthalein Alkalinity: P Value 50 (b) Methyl Orange Alkalinity: M Value 50 (c) Hydroxide Alkalinity: B Value 50
2. Determination of Aluminum 51
3. Determination of Chloride 53 (a) Mohr Method 54 (b) Potentiometric Method 55
4. Determination of Chromium 57 (a) Volumetric Determination of Chromate in Cooling Water 57 (1) Available Chromate-(2) Total Chromium as Chromate- (3) Equivalent Weight of Proprietary Mixtures Containing Chromates 60 (b) Colorimetric Determination of Chromate in Cooling Water 61 (c) Determination of Total Chromium in Brines and Waste Waters 63
5. Determination of Copper 65 (a) Colorimetric Determination of Copper in Water 66 (1) Feed Waters and Cooling Waters-(2) Sea Water and Brines 67
6. Determination of Hardness 68 (a) Total Hardness of Water 68 (b) Determination of Calcium Hardness 72
7. Determination of Iron 74 (a) Colorimetric Determination of Iron 74
8. Determination of Phosphate 76 (a) Colorimetric Determination of Ortho Phosphate 78 (b) Colorimetric Determination of Ortho and Poly Phosphates 79 (1) Ortho Phosphate-(2) Total Phosphate 81
9. Determination of Silica 82 (a) Colorimetric Determination of Soluble Silicates in Water 82
10. Determination of Solids 84 (a) Determination of Suspended Solids 85 (b) Conductometric Determination of Dissolved Solids 85 (c) Determination of Total Cations by Ion Exchange 88
11. Determination of Sulfate 90 (a) Turbidimetric Determination of Sulfate 91 (b) Volumetric Determination of Sulfate 93 (c) Gravimetric Determination of Sulfate 94
12. Determination of Sulfite 96 (a) Feed Waters 96 (b) Boiler Waters 97
B. Dissolved Gases 1. Determination of Ammonia In Condensates 98 2. Determination of Carbon Dioxide 101 3. Determination of Oxygen 102
C. Interpretation of Water Analyses 1. Softening by Lime and Removal of Silica 106
2. Operation of Boilers 107 (a) Use of Determination of Chloride to Control Blowdown 107 (b) Relationships Among Alkalinities 108 (c) Conductivity of Boiler Water 109 (d) Ion Exchange of Boiler Waters 111
3. Operation of Cooling Systems 113 (a) Langlier and Ryznar Indices 113 (b) Cycles of Concentration 115
4. Calculations Involving Chemical Equilibria 116
Part III - Special Procedures Related to Water Treatment
A. Analysis of Foul Waters and Alkaline Sulfide Solutions 1. Analysis of Aqueous Solutions Containing Sulfide, Cyanide, Thiocyanate, and Ammonia 126 2. Analysis of Solutions Containing Polysulflde, Thiosulfate, Thiocyanate, and Sulfide 131 3. Analysis of Aqueous Solutions Containing Sulfide, Sulfite, and Thiosulfate 134 4. Analysis of Alkaline Scrubber Solutions Containing Sulfide, Hydroxide, Carbonate, and Mercaptides 137 (a) Rapid Method for Estimating Free Hydroxide 138 (b) Routine Estimation of Hydroxide, Sulfide, Mercaptan, and Carbonate 139 (c) Accurate Determination of Hydroxide, Sulfide, and Mercaptan 142
B. Chemical Cleaning of Process Equipment 1. Determination of Available Acid in Chemical Cleaning Solutions 157 2. Determination of Available Alkali in Chemical Cleaning Solutions 158
C. Evaluation of Cation Exchange Resins 1. Determination of Capacity of Cation Exchange Resins 164 2. Miscellaneous Tests of Cation Exchange Resins 170
Part IV-Chemical Analysis of Scales, Sludges, and Deposits Introduction
A. Preliminary Treatment of the Laboratory Sample
B. Systematic Analysis of Deposits for the Metallic Elements 1. Preparation of the Solution for Analysis 193 2. Estimation of Silica 198 3. Analysis of the Hydrofluoric Acid Resldue 200 4. Group Separation of Iron, Vanadium and Molybdenum; Partial Separation of Lead and Copper 206 5. Estimation of Molybdenum, Removal of Copper 209 6. Estimation of Iron and Vanadium 210 7. Separation and Estimation of Lead and Copper 212 8. Separation of Phosphate by Ion Exchange Estimation of Chromium 216 9. Precipitation and Determination of Aluminum 220 10. Group Precipitation of Nickel and Zinc 224 11. Estimation of Nickel 225 12. Estimation of Zinc 225 13. Estimation of Magnesium and Calcium 226 14. Other Components 229
C. Systematic Analysis of Water-Formed Deposits 1. Preparation of the Solution for Analysis 232 2. Estimation of Silica 234 3. Solution of the Hydrofluoric Acid Residue 235 4. Separation of Cations from Anions by Ion Exchange 236 5. Estimation of Phosphate 237 6. Estimation of Sulfate 240 7. Estimation of Iron, Partial Precipitation of Copper 242 8. Estimation of Copper 243 9. Precipitation of Aluminum and Chromium; Estimation of Aluminum 246 10. Estimation of Chromium 248 11. Estimation of Calcium and Magnesium 248 12. Estimation of Iron, Aluminum and Magnesium Un-attacked by Acids 252 13. Other Components 255
D. Special Procedures for Deposit Analysis 1. Preparation of the Solution for the Estimation of Sodium, Chloride, and Sulfate 256 2. Estimation of Sodium 257 3. Estimation of Chloride 257 4. Estimation of Sulfate 258 6. Estimation of Fluoride 258 6. Estimation of Phosphate 259 7. Estimation of Carbonate and Carbon 261 8. Estimation of Sulfur 263 9. Conclusion 265
E. Interpretation of Analytical Results
1. Deposits Formed In Contact With Petroleum 266 (a) Vaporizer Furnaces 266 (b) Recycle Rectifier-HF Alkylation Process 269 (c) Furnace Deposits 271
2. Water-Formed Deposits 272 (a) Deposit From a Superheater 273 (b) Mud From a Steam Generator Preheater 275 (c) Mud From a Water·Wall Header 276 (d) Scale From Turbine Blades 277
3. Corrosion Deposits 280 References